Kristy's Zumba in Lebanon 
First of all, a BIG THANK YOU to everyone who braved the downpours and came to class last night.  I think things went smoothly for the first class.  I know it will get better as I get used to the location and as I relearn all my choreo (opposite!). 

Wednesday night & Thursday night meals:
I had oatmeal both mornings
Wed lunch I had a Lean Cuisine steam bag meal (yummy & only 300 cals!)
Thurs lunch I had a slice of white pizza w/ broccoli and...gasp...french fries!  They were tasty too!
dinner both nights was pork loin, steamed corn & peas, and mashed potatoes! YUM!

I've been trying to snack more thru out the day.  Snacks for me include apples, bananas, grapes, fiber one bars, popcorn, and honey wheat pretzels. 

I'm again a slacker and only worked out while teaching my classes:
Tuesday: bodypump - 55mins, toning - 30mins, zumba - 55mins
Thursday: same as above!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while.  As most of you know I've been super busy with snowmobiling, working, and of course tracking down all the details on our NEW LOCATION!  Yippie!

My workouts have literally been teaching my classes, so I'm really off track.  My goal is get back on track this weekend.  I started today with doing 1 session of Horizontal Conditioning ( and one cardio DVD of the Insanity Workout (

As for eating....I do have one new Clean Recipe to post...Shrimp Couscous.  It was really good!  Last night I made the Black Eyed Pea Soup again..can't get enough of it.  See the Recipes blog for the down & dirty on this easy meal.  I'll keep you posted on more recipes and workouts as I get myself back on track!
breakfast - oatmeal, walnuts, coffee, OJ
lunch -  Lean Cuisine French Bread Pizza
Dinner - Ramen Noodles
Snacks - Special K Protein bar, popcorn, dark chocolate, carrots

Bodypump 55mins
Toning 30 mins
Zumba 55mins

For those of you at class...WOW...I felt awful!  I feel much better now, but by the time I got home and showered it took all I had to even make soup!  Ramen to the rescue...lots of sodium in that stuff, but I didn't care.
Friday thru Monday....

I definitely ate a little bad this weekend, but for a GREAT reason!  I was up in Northern PA snowmobiling so I got a killer workout for about 6-7 hours on Saturday.  I don't feel bad at all for eating some yummy bar food!  And actually I still did pretty well.  I had a buffalo chicken salad, broccoli and hot pepper pizza, broiled haddock & shrimp, crab cakes & asparagus,  I had egg & bacon sandwiches for breakfast each morning...YUM!  My guilt kicks in at the ice cream and raspberry cheese cake!  TO DIE FOR!!! 

Despite my not so great clean eating this past weekend, I was so sweaty from riding snowmobile that I actually had to shed layers of clothing while on top of the mountain in Tioga County!  So, I was definitely working.  And, I was very sore Sunday and Monday!  Holding your body weight on a snowmobile while hitting snow drifts at about 40-60mph definitely works some of those hidden muscles! 

See you tonight for Toning and Zumba!
Nothing crazy this week...but hopefully tonight I'll be cooking up something clean and healthy!

Monday: Oatmeal
              leftover Chicken PotPie Yum!
              Venison Loin, Salad, Baby Red sister made a killer Valentine's Day dinner!

Tuesday: Oatmeal
                Cereal...I was sooo tired after teaching and my microwave is cooking for me!

Tuesday: BodyPump 55mins
               Zumba Toning  25mins
               Zumba  maybe 25 mins
I hope everyone had a GREAT weekend! 

Friday: Oatmeal, Chili & Salad, Sushi (yum!)
Saturday & Sunday: I had drill, so nothing clean or healthy really :(
Sunday dinner: homemade chicken potpie!!  SOO GOOD!

elliptical for 30 mins on Saturday and biking for another 8 mins

Breakfast: Oatmeal w/ maple syrup & walnuts
Lunch: 1/2 Turkey Wrap & Italian Wedding Soup...and maybe some chips :)
Dinner: Baked Potato, Chicken Breast, mixed veggies
Snacks: 1/2 Special K Protein Bar
             Honey Wheat Pretzels

Bodypump: 55 mins
Zumba Toning: 30 mins
Zumba: hmmm...this is sad...I guess maybe 15 mins of me moving :(

Breakfast:  Nothing >:(
Lunch: meatballs and leftover veggies
Dinner:  Whole Wheat spaghetti & sauce w/ some cheese
Snacks: can't think of any...but I'm sure I had something

Elliptical: 33 mins

Since my whole foot injury thing I'm trying to do other types of exercising.  I know I need to rest, so instead of going crazy at Zumba class, I have been trying to add in more time on the elliptical.  I will also be using the bike since these two pieces of equipment are less stressful on the feet. 
Haven't posted in a bit, so I'm trying to get back on track!

Over the weekend I didn't eat anything too bad (except for Mom's PB Pie, yum!), but I didn't really eat super healthy either.  Superbowl weekend is a great time to forget about healthy eating, but it's easy to get right back to it.

I did exercise Friday and Monday.  I did 30 mins on the elliptical each day.  I can only really do that and ride the bike right now while I'm resting my foot :(

I'm hoping to try a clean eating catfish recipe tonight after my classes...I'll keep everyone posted.
Breakfast - Quick Oats w/ sliced banana, maple syrup, walnuts, tsp vanilla...pretty good!    
Lunch - Healthy Choice Ziti & Meat Sauce
Dinner - Crockpot Beef Stew (see recipe!)
Snacks - Lindt's Dark Chocolate ball, breyer's mint choco chip ice cream (YUM!)

Bodypump - 55 mins
Zumba - 55 mins

*Are you drinking enough water?  Remember to drink 6-8 eight oz glasses a day!  I felt poopy today because I definitely did NOT get enough water!  You must stay hydrated especially when sweating through a Zumba class or any exercise!
Breakfast - hmmm...don't remember haha
Lunch - chicken noodle soup (healthy choice)
Dinner - Pineapple Tilapia & Rice (see recipe!)
Snacks - popcorn (singles bag) 
               chobani yogurt

Exercise - Shoveled snow...again!  But I did my sidewalks and my neighbor's and 2 parking spaces...took about 45mins and I was sweating up a storm!